Doctorate and Habilitation

Faculty 7: Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering

A doctorate is proof of aptitude for scientific work and forms the basis of an academic career and, increasingly, a career in business. Here you will find links and information on administrative issues concerning doctoral studies and habilitation at Faculty 7.

Paths to a doctorate

Faculty 7 does exclusively award the doctoral degree Dr.-Ing. (=Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften meaning Doctor of engineering sciences).

Doctorates can be performed either as an individual doctorate or as part of one of the structured doctoral programs in which the faculty participates.


Year Number of Doctorates
2015 101
2016 102
2017 99
2018 86
2019 97

Individual Doctorate

For an individual doctorate, you freely choose a topic, as well as a supervising professor from one of our institutes. Usually (but not always) you will be employed at an institute within the framework of a research project, and you will do your doctorate on a topic from this research project.

Structured programs

If you are pursuing a PhD in a structured program, you must apply through the program if positions or fellowships are available.

A doctorate at Faculty 7 is currently available in the following structured programs:

Prerequisites for a doctorate

In addition to appropriate academic qualifications, a doctorate requires a high degree of independence, motivation and interest in scientific work. In addition, you must fulfill the formal admission requirements of the University of Stuttgart in order to do a doctorate at Faculty 7.

For structured doctoral programs, graduate schools and academies, different regulations may apply. You can find out about these on the websites of the respective programs.

Equivalence of foreign degrees

With foreign degrees you need the „Application for Declaration of Formal Equivalence of Foreign Degrees“. Please be sure to note that this formal equivalence check may take some time! If you are in a hurry to be accepted as a doctoral student, you should submit the application for acceptance (to which the form for formal equivalence must be attached) as early as possible.

Doctoral Degree Regulations

The current Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2019 came into effect on April 1, 2019. If you started your doctorate before April 1, 2019, you can continue to do your doctorate according to the Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2016 and according to the Doctoral Degree Gegulations of 2011. However, please note that transitional provisions must be observed here (cf. §21 of the doctoral degree regulations of 2019). Doctorates according to the Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2008 are no longer possible as of October 2019.


Transition to the current Docotral Degree Regulations

If you are doing your doctorate according to older doctoral degree regulations, you also have the option of switching to the current Doctoral Degree Regulations of 2019. To do so, you must submit an application to the dean's office of your faculty. If necessary, you can obtain information from the Graduate Academy GRADUS.

Cumulative dissertation theses

By resolution on 17.06.2020, the committees of the faculty have made cumulative doctoral theses possible at Faculty 7 and have adopted a corresponding guideline. Cumulative doctoral theses can now be submitted as an alternative to a monograph.

Submission of cumulative dissertation theses

Cumulative dissertation theses must consist of at least three publications and meet the requirements specified in the guideline. When submitting a cumulative dissertation thesis, in addition to the usual documents, a form with supplementary information is required:

Additionally for each publication used in the dissertation a supplementary form with further information must be submitted:

Step by step to a doctoral degree

If you do not yet have a supervisor, you must first find a supervising professor who is a member of the doctoral committee of faculty 7.

Together with your supervisor, you will draw up an agreement on doctoral studies including the required qualification program (file only available in German).

If you hold a foreign university degree, you will additionally need to complete the Application for Declaration of Formal Equivalence of Foreign Degrees.

You must now register via the campus management system C@MPUS. After registering with C@MPUS, please complete the data for your doctoral project and print out the application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate. Sign it and hand it in to the Graduate Academy GRADUS together with the required documents (more informations linked below).

GRADUS will check your documents and send them either directly to the Dean's Office (if you have a German university degree) or (for foreign degrees) first to the Rector's Office and after the Rector's approval to the Dean's Office. In the case of degrees not related to the subject (i.e. all areas not covered by Faculty 7), in the case of Dipl.-Ing. (FH), in the case of M.Sc. (Fach)Hochschule, in the case of dual universities, in the case of foreign degrees, etc., the guidelines of the faculty for doctoral admission available to the supervisors will be applied and, if necessary, additional requirements (e.g. examinations or course works) will be imposed. In case of doubt, you can send an informal mail with CV and all necessary certificates to the Dean's Office for coordination with the Doctorate Committee Chairperson, so that you are aware of the conditions before applying.


More information on registration and application

As soon as the dean's office has received your doctoral file, the doctoral committee will review your documents.

» After the examination, you will receive a notification of acceptance as a doctoral candidate, if necessary with additional requirements, from the chairperson of the doctoral committee.

The doctoral committee will also send a copy of the acceptance notification to GRADUS, where it will be posted to your account.

When you receive the notification of acceptance from the doctoral committee of your faculty, you must enroll as a doctoral student. Though, under certain conditions you are exempt from this requirement. Please check with GRADUS and/or your supervisor.

More information about enrollment

You will now write your dissertation in German or English and, if necessary, fulfill your requirements.

During the preparation of the dissertation, you will coordinate closely with your supervisor. If you have any questions about your doctorate or need advice during this time, please feel free to contact the Graduate Academy GRADUS.

The following documents must be submitted or sent to the Dean's Office for submission of the dissertation:
  • Application for admission to the examination and confirmation of maturity, including proof of the publications required at the time of submission (sample letter in German)
  • informal confirmation from your supervisor that the qualification program has been completed
  • for cumulative dissertation theses: corresponding form and additional sheets
  • Several bound copies of your dissertation:
    • 1 copy for the dean's office
    • 1 copy for the supervisor
    • 1 copy for each co-supervisor

The printed copies should be bound in such a way that the cover page can be read (either transparent foil or printed cardboard, please observe the design specification for the title page (in German) (sample as Word document)). Structural design according to the manuscript guidelines of the university library in the appendix of the doctoral regulations. The copies can also be printed on both sides, but must be in DIN A4 format.

  • Sending the dissertation as a pdf file by mail to the dean's office.
  • Please provide your private contact details, especially your e-mail address, in order to ensure communication even after you have left the University of Stuttgart.
  • In case of external co-reviewers, the Dean's Office also needs their contact details (full title, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number).
  • Submit to the Dean's Office no later than the Friday before the Faculty Council meeting (check the Committee Dates, in German - look for "Fakultätsrat").

Address / Service hours of the Dean's Office

When the doctoral file and the supporting copies are provided, the examination procedure is initiated and the examination board is appointed by the doctoral committee.

» You will receive written confirmation about the initiation of the examination procedure.

After the initiation of the procedure, the Dean's Office requests the reports from all reviewers in the examination board. These should be available to the Dean's Office within 6 weeks.

Upon receipt of the final review,the dissertation and the reports are made available to all members of the doctoral committee for a 14-day review period.

» You will receive information about the start of the review period by e-mail.

After the end of the review period, the date of the docroral examination can be fixed and communicated to the Dean's Office, who will issue the invitation according to applicable deadlines (generally the invitation must be issued one week before the exam). The examination should take place within 3 months after the opening of the doctoral procedure.

» You will be notified by e-mail about the invitation.

The oral doctoral examination is conducted as follows:

The total examination time is 90 minutes, which includes:

  • A public lecture with free choice of media on the dissertation topic of 30 minutes duration followed by a short discussion. Non-affiliates of the University are admitted.
  • The oral examination with a duration of at least 60 minutes.

Depending on the type of publication (online or print only), you must usually submit a prescribed number of printed copies to the University Library within one year of the oral examination.

The University Library informs you on its website what layout the dissertation must have, what possibilities there are for publication and how many printed copies you have to hand in.

Publication series "Stuttgarter Maschinenbau"

Starting in 2022, dissertations can be published in the "Stuttgarter Maschinenbau" series. Further information can be found here.

Please refer to §13 of the doctoral regulations for further details.

The doctoral certificate is usually sent to the main examiner, who hands it over to the applicant.

The doctor title can only be used once the doctoral degree certificate has been

Publication of dissertation theses

Beispiel-Cover Schriftenreihe
Sample cover of the publication series "Stuttgarter Maschinenbau"

Publication series "Stuttgarter Maschinenbau"

Doctoral candidates of the Stuttgarter Maschinenbau (Faculties 4 & 7) can publish their dissertations in the publication series "Stuttgarter Maschinenbau" in agreement with their supervisors.

The publisher of the series "Stuttgarter Maschinenbau" is the Fraunhofer Verlag.The publishing agreement (in German), which has to be filled out, specifies all essential details regarding publications in the series are specified between the author, the institute and the Fraunhofer Verlag.


The Word and LaTeX templates provided here are intended as a guide and do not claim to be complete.


Over the last few years, the Faculty of Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering has averaged approximately 1 to 2 habilitations per year.

Please refer to the German website or contact the faculty management for further information.



Graduate Academy GRADUS

Haus der Studierenden, 5. OG, Pfaffenwaldring 5c, 70569 Stuttgart

Anette Bradler


Secretary to the Dean


Representatives of the doctoral students of faculty 7

  • Write e-mail
  • In case of problems, need for support, interest in networking...
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